Learn how to harness your natural talents with the Plum Discovery Survey. This 25-minute assessment will help you build the foundation of a thriving career. Curious to learn more?
Plum Talents encapsulate the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make you, you. These Talents help uncover what drives you, what drains you, and where you’ll find the most success in your career.
Talents live on a spectrum and being high or low in a Talent is not a measure of good versus bad. Instead, your Plum Talents surface what innate behaviors energize you and which ones deplete you. Understanding the difference means you can advocate for your needs at work and focus on growth over survival.
After the assessment, your Plum Profile will equip you with strategies you can implement to utilize your talents at work or during the interview process, including what questions to ask to properly evaluate potential employers.
97% of users have had a positive experience with Plum. Check out what some folks had to say about using Plum to highlight their talents.