Plum Teamwork badge


Working effectively with people and cooperating with others.

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Teams prioritize Teamwork for a role when:

  • Team performance relies on effective intergroup collaboration
  • One must contribute to a trusting and open working environment
  • One must be aware of other’s work styles and preferences
  • Being committed to team goals is critical to team performance

An ideal candidate will need to:

  • Build and maintain long-term working relationships
  • Exhibit compassion for their peers
  • Collaborate and network
  • Adapt to others’ strengths and weaknesses

Competencies for Teamwork include:

Building relationships and networking

Behaviors include:
  • Being considerate and courteous when developing relationships with others
  • Making others feel comfortable and appreciated
  • Building and maintaining relationships with a large network of people

Contributing toward cohesion and group identity

Behaviors include:
  • Committing to team goals and decisions
  • Contributing to a positive team spirit and openly celebrating success
  • Demonstrating confidence in the team's success

Collaborating with others to achieve goals

Behaviors include:
  • Compromising to achieve organizational goals
  • Working cooperatively in groups and providing support
  • Accepting feedback from coworkers about working or personal style
  • Adjusting to changes in work activities

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